2024 in many words and some photos

It has become a tradition for me to look at the year that's about to end. I did so in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014. Let's look at 2024 now.

A Lil data processing

I used Lil to process some JSON data in a git repository and turn that into SQL statements.

A Lil Advent of Code

I solved the first 3 days worth of puzzles of this year's Advent of Code in Lil, a tiny programming language, part of the Decker project. These are my solutions and brief thoughts on Lil.

Texttools dot tcl

Recently I read Hillel Wayne's article about his texttools.py implementation.py). I also looked into Tcl a bit. So what better way than to combine these too and port his Python implementation (which was already using Tk) to Tcl (and Wish).

rsyncing my RSS feed database

At the moment I'm using a web-based RSS feed reader. That works, is reliable and accessible from anywhere.

However I will soon spend some time with less connectivity and thus were considering my options to have a local feed reader app that works offline. A long while ago I used Newsbeuter and then I recently found its successor Newsboat. That solves the local & offline. But it still requires connectivity to fetch feeds, and for fetching some 100 feeds that's quite a bit of traffic.

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