
Post by tag


04. Jun A playground for Hare
18. May Dark mode for the ages
30. Apr A week one-handed
12. Mar Six-year Moziversary
02. Jan oelf - Mach-O support for sqlelf


31. Dec 2023 in many words and some photos
28. Dec cargo script and cgi
07. Nov git opinions
24. Jul Old Ruby on modern Nix
20. Jun ssh-keyscan: fdlim_get: bad value
01. Mar Five-year Moziversary
02. Jan Serving WebFinger resources with Nginx


31. Dec 2022 in many words and some photos
09. Dec SELECT solution FROM aoc WHERE year = 2022
21. Nov Deploying GoToSocial on
06. Nov State of Maintenance: hiredis-py
30. Apr Reflections on HYTRADBOI
04. Mar Four-year Moziversary
25. Feb This Week in Glean: Your personal Glean data pipeline
31. Jan This Week in Glean: Building and Deploying a Rust library on iOS


31. Dec 2021 in many words and some photos
17. Dec This Week in Glean: Looking back at Glean in 2021
01. Nov This Week in Glean: Crashes & a buggy Glean
14. Oct Fenix Physical Device Testing
17. Sep This Week in Glean: Glean & GeckoView
26. Jul This Week in Glean: Shipping Glean with GeckoView
25. Jun This Week in Glean: Funday
09. Jun redlock-rs changing owners
16. Apr This Week in Glean: rustc, iOS and an M1
01. Mar Three-year Moziversary
24. Feb This Week in Glean: Boring Monitoring


31. Dec 2020 in many words and some photos
18. Dec This Week in Glean: Glean in 2021
06. Oct This Week in Glean: FOG progress report
01. Sep This Week in Glean: Leveraging Rust to build cross-platform mobile libraries
21. Jun Experience with running online meetups
19. Jun Build your project
04. May This Week in Glean: Bytes in Memory (on Android)
02. May Rust in an instant
18. Mar Review Feedback: a response to the Feedback Ladder
02. Mar Two-year Moziversary
06. Feb "Edit this file on GitHub"
03. Feb This Week in Glean: Cargo features - an investigation


30. Dec 2019 in many words and some photos
29. Nov This Week in Glean: Differences
12. Nov A summary of what RustFest is
24. Oct This Week in Glean: A Release
19. Jul redis-rs 0.11.0 - the biggest release yet
11. Jul mdbook - ToC and Mermaid preprocessors
15. May Rust - 4+ years later
01. Mar One-year Moziversary
22. Jan multi-store - Custom Telemetry with shared data


27. Dec 2018 in many words and some photos
24. Dec Solving crime with logic
28. Nov What Rust is it?
07. Nov MozFest 2018: An inside perspective
30. Sep How I made a useless tool and the reactions made my sunday better
21. Aug State of Maintenance: hiredis
08. Aug Ideas for Rust Meetups
20. Jul Things I read, until now
07. Mar Things I read, Week 10
26. Feb Things I read, Week 9
20. Feb Things I read, Week 8
20. Feb End of Maintenance: hiredis & Co.
18. Feb A new job
12. Feb Things I read, Week 7
09. Feb DOH everything
07. Feb D'oh! - DNS over HTTPS in Rust
06. Feb Things I read, Week 6
29. Jan Things I read, Week 5
23. Jan Things I read, Week 4
15. Jan Things I read, Week 3
10. Jan Retrospective: Rust Cologne in January
08. Jan Things I read, Week 2


31. Dec 2017 in many words and some photos
18. Nov Hello, Rust! Hello, WebAssembly!
17. Nov GitHub Pages deployment made easy
08. Nov Master Thesis: Network Function Offloading in Virtualized Environments
07. Sep Vacation ahead
09. Jul How to write a Master Thesis
09. Jul New Design
04. Mar Send ICMP Echo Replies using eBPF


31. Dec 2016 in many words and some photos
20. Dec Xen - split driver, initial communication
02. Dec Xen - a backend/frontend driver example
29. Nov Code Sprint Weekend 2016 - Retrospective
28. Sep Signify - Ed25519 signatures for your files (in Rust)
31. Aug Rust from the Back to the Front (Rust Sthlm)
09. Jun Longboarding: Vennbahn
12. May Quick check: does your code work?
29. Mar Releasing Rust projects, the automatic way
04. Mar Load your config into your environment
23. Feb Create GitHub releases with Rust using Hubcaps


31. Dec 2015 in many words and some photos
22. Oct Redis Dev Day London 2015
16. Jul omnomnom - Parsing ISO8601 dates using nom
01. Jun Redis Sentinel & Redis Cluster - what?
14. May Using a Kindle for status information
03. Apr New releases of hiredis-py and hiredis-node
06. Mar U2F demo application
05. Mar The difference of Rust's thread::spawn and thread::scoped
09. Feb hiredis is up to date
15. Jan rdb-rs - fast and efficient RDB parsing utility


29. Dec 2014 in many words
03. Dec The story of my childhood or: Rust on the PSP
15. Nov How to not write a Bachelor Thesis
11. Nov Review: Redis Applied Design Patterns
15. Oct A Rust library for LibLZF
18. Sep jsfest week 2014
12. Aug first experience with Rust
09. Aug eurucamp 2014 - Video & Photos
04. Aug eurucamp 2014
27. Jul Extending Redis with Lua packages
26. May OpenTechSchool - Javascript for Beginners
12. May Changing the root password in recent SmartOS
15. Apr key=value logs with nginx
01. Apr OpenTechSchool - Learn new things
17. Mar Fixing zfs pool error in zones/dump
11. Mar Redis Cluster with pre-existing data
04. Mar Don't set an empty root password on Chrome OS
03. Mar Samsung Chromebook - a short review
19. Feb Multiple slides on one side in one pdf
20. Jan Fixing a Vagrant "hostonlyif" error
01. Jan 30C3


10. Nov Redis FAQ or: what you learn when idling in #redis
06. Nov Unicode codepoints in ruby
02. Nov Run server-side git hook when there are no updates
01. Nov Iterate the keyspace in redis: SCAN
11. May git merge 2013
22. Jan irregular backups with rsnapshot (and rsnapshot_ii)
14. Jan Problems after disconnecting LUKS device
10. Jan is online
04. Jan 2.9-C/3 - N.O-T/MY-D/E.PA/R.T-ME-N/T.


30. Dec fnord news show 2012
13. Dec Getting back online!
21. Sep BadBill - a Billomat API client
16. Sep Getting IPv6 working with SmartOS and KVM
06. Jul Raspberry Pi - Day 2
05. Jul Raspberry Pi - A guick guide to a successful start
12. May instapaper-stats is online
08. May my instapaper stats
07. May swap in double-linked lists


25. Dec send your docs to your kindle
25. Dec network config without ifconfig
18. Oct using ipv6 with inetd
02. Oct fast and simple proxy server
27. Sep running etherpad-lite on nginx
08. Sep running on ssl
02. Sep Compile nginx
02. Sep now with code higlighting
25. Aug Blog running on jekyll again
26. Jan IPv6 with NodeJS
23. Jan static blog system improved
22. Jan sshuttle - poor man's vpn
22. Jan static blog system runs!
20. Jan error pages
15. Jan blog? static!
15. Jan fnord?
15. Jan fnordig is up and running