Download and unpack a compressed file using pyinfra

pyinfra is a tool to automate infrastructure deployments. Instead of defining everything in YAML like Ansible it uses plain Python code.

I heard about it a while ago and finally started to use it for a single server deployment.

One of the things deployed is a web frontend. To update it I would download the new tar.gz file from the releases page, extract it and move it to the final location to be used by my webserver. I wanted to automate that.

pyinfra has an operation to download files, but these are just placed in the filesystem. The file is not extracted nor its contents moved to a specific place.

I thus combined that with some additional shell commands to extract the file and put the content in the final destination. I'm not sure if this is a bit of a hack or the right way to do things in pyinfra.

First of define the tool version and checksum in group_data/

tool_version = "v1.0.4"
tool_sha256 = "01ba4719c80b6fe911b091a7c05124b64eeece964e09c058ef8f9805daca546b"

Then we define the download and extraction step in

from pyinfra import host
from pyinfra.operations import files, server

# The URL to download from
tool_url = f"{}.tar.gz"
# Where to store the downloaded file
tool_target = "/opt/tool/tool.tar.gz"

tool_downloaded =
    name=f"Download tool {}",
if tool_downloaded.changed:
      name="Unpack tool and move content to destination",
        f"tar -C /opt/tool -zxvf {tool_target}",
        f"rsync -a /opt/tool/tool-{}/ /var/www/tool/"

Some explanation:

  • The version and checksum are defined as data. To update change those.
  • This downloads the file to a fixed location. That way we can rely on pyinfra doing this only if the file is missing or has the wrong checksum. No unnecessary re-downloads.
  • Only when the tool is actually downloaded, we extract it. We expect the compressed tar file to have one top-level directory tool-{version}.
  • We rsync this folder into the final location, in the code above that's /var/www/tool. Depending on your use case you might want to add --delete to delete files from the destination that don't exist in the new version of the tool anymore.
  • This doesn't clean up old downloads of the compressed file. This could be done with some globbing and skipping the new file in that list.
Last change: 2024-01-05, commit: bd7b786